The OCSAPN Executive Committee awards up to $250 per quarter for both a Scholarship and Sponsorship (if funds are available).

OCSAPN Scholarships are available for members who wish to attend a prevention-related training, seminar, conference, or other event.

Please note:

  • The training must be related to the prevention of at-risk behavior in adolescents or families
  • Priority will be given to parent/student volunteers, or those showing economic need, over professional or agency personnel
  • Priority will be given to applications in the order they are received
  • The decisions of the Executive Committee are final and will be announced at the monthly general membership meetings

OCSAPN Sponsorships are available for members who wish to conduct a prevention-related event or project.

Please note:

  • Projects must be related to the prevention of at-risk behavior in adolescents and their families
  • Priority will be given to applicants who are not recipients of state or federal funds or grants over the amount of $15,000
  • Priority will be given to organizations that utilize more volunteer hours than paid hours for staffing
  • No projects will be awarded more than $250.00 or be considered for funding more than once a year
  • The decisions of the Executive Committee are final and will be sent to the applicant via letter or email

Applicants receiving scholarships or sponsorship funds are requested to provide a follow-up report, in writing or in person, to the OCSAPN membership at a general meeting following the completion of the funded project/event.

Please send completed scholarship or sponsorship forms via email to Amy Streavel, OCSAPN Funding Chair, at

Download Scholarship Application
Download Sponsorship Application